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Society of Education, Knowledge, and Research

A Nonprofit Academic Society

Mission Statement

The Society of Education, Knowledge, and Research (SCEKR) is constituted in the Year 2019 as a Nonprofit Academic Society. The purpose of SCEKR is to constitute a platform to promote Education, Knowledge, and Research to equip research scholar, in the field of economics, who carry interest in contemporary macroeconomic issues, with sufficient sharing of knowledge, understanding, and research.


The SCEKR aims to promote education, knowledge, and research. Therefore, Journal of Contemporary Macroeconomic Issues (JCMI) is initiated to hearten the research work of the national and international scholars who pursue their post graduate and graduate level studies at various public and private sector universities across Pakistan/Worldwide. Also, to provide opportunity of publishing quality research work to the educationists who are serving or have served at top ranked universities of Pakistan and foreign and have wide research experiences in the field of economics.
Moreover, SCEKR aims at exhibiting the motive of fortifying country wide Conferences/Seminars/Workshops for particularly the awareness and learning of research ethics for the young scholars and faculty in the vast field of economics. SCEKR attempts to transpire quality research through research journal(s), established under her head, by providing wide platform to the academicians and research scholars of economics within and outside Pakistan.

Functionality and Financial Composition

The functionality of SCEKR rests at the committee that holds the Society. Since SCEKR is nonprofit oriented organization therefore, NO FEE is charged for the submission of manuscript from the author. Moreover, the reviewers (National and International) are also requested for their Free of Cost OR very minimal Charge for their worthy contributions towards this cause of transpiring education, knowledge, and research. However, the Educational Institutions (worldwide) are welcome to advertise for their courses/programs at www.scekr.org so that it help the society in raising at least sufficient funds to meet the running cost of the objective behind the Society and JCMI. The same are also looked forwards for their sponsors towards Conferences/Seminars/Workshops at national and international level.
In this regard, SCEKR looks forwards towards the acknowledgement by;
• Higher Education Commission (HEC) and
• Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training, Government of Pakistan
of the education, knowledge, and research initiatives which are taken up under the banner of SCEKR and are thereby intended to be pursued in future for the true nation building in the area of education and research.
